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Jason Cho

Jason Cho

Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Animal Science
317 Morrison Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-882-5792

Complete CV for Jason

Research Statement

I am interested in building statistical models that could help farmers in their crop production and overall farm management. My main focus is on performing spatio-temporal analysis of historical yield monitor data to analyze on-farm research trials and develop management zones. I extensively use R and Python for my research.


  • 2019 – Present M.S. – Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
  • 2011 – 2013, 2016 – 2018 B.A – Statistical Science, minor in Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA


  • Cho, J., Guinness, J., Kharel, T.P., Sunoj, S., Kharel, D., Oware, E., Aardt, J.V., and Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Spatial estimation methods for mapping corn yield monitor data. Precision Agriculture. (Submitted – under review).
  • Published

  • Sunoj, S., Kharel, D., Kharel, T.P.., Cho, J., Czymmek, K., and Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Impact of headland area on whole field and farm corn silage and grain yield. Agronomy Journal. (In press)
  • Congress and Meetings

  • Cho, J., Maresma, A., Kharel, T.P., Godwin, G., Sunoj, S., Kharel, D., Oware, E., Aardt, J.V., Guinness, J., Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Spatial estimation methods for mapping corn yield monitor data. Abstract No. 126151, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (Virtual), Nov. 9–13, 2020 (Oral Presentation).
  • Cho, J., Maresma, A., Kharel, T.P., Godwin, G., Sunoj, S., Kharel, D., Oware, E., Aardt, J.V., Guinness, J., Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Analyzing Single Strip Nitrogen Trials for Corn through Yield Stability Based Management Zones. Abstract No. 126196, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (Virtual), Nov. 9–13, 2020 (Poster presentation).
  • Sunoj, S., Kharel, D., Kharel, T.P., Cho, J., Czymmek, K., Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Impact of headland area on whole field and farm corn silage and grain yield. Abstract No. 126163, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (Virtual), Nov. 9–13, 2020 (Oral presentation).
  • Sunoj, S., Cho, J., Guinness, J., Aardt, J.V., Oware, E., Czymmek, K., Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Corn grain yield mapping from high resolution UAS imagery. Abstract No. 126350, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (Virtual), Nov. 9–13, 2020 (Oral presentation).
  • Lehman, B., Cho, J., Mace, B., Walden, C., Czymmek, K., Ketterings, Q.M. 2020. Do Corn Yield Stability Zones on a New York Dairy Farm Reflect within-Field Variability of Soil Characteristics? Abstract No. 126601, 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (Virtual), Nov. 9–13, 2020 (Oral presentation).
  • Cho, J., Lehman, B., Kharel, T.P., Kharel, D., Czymmek, K., Guinness, J., Ketterings, Q.M. 2019. Year to Year Variability in Yield Stability Based Management Zone for Corn. Abstract No. 120439, 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (San Antonio, Texas), Nov. 10–13, 2019 (Oral Presentation).
  • Guinness, J., Cho, J., Kharel, T.P., Maresma, A., Czymmek, K., Ketterings, Q.M. 2019. Using Spatial Statistics to Analyze on-Farm Trials. Abstract No. 120105, 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting (San Antonio, Texas), Nov. 10–13, 2019 (Oral Presentation)

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