2018 Projects: Corn and Hay Yield, Quality and Soil Health as Impacted by Manure Management
What Impact Has Manure Management for Corn on Yield, Forage Quality, and Nutrient Cycling in Corn and Alfalfa Rotations?
Driven by a need to increase the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of manure and reduce P runoff and N emissions to the groundwater and the air, we proposed the testing of various manure incorporation methods and rates in corn and alfalfa stands over the past many years. Trials continue to date, with work in Western NY on reduced tillage practices and work in Central NY on rotation management and sidedressing of corn with manure.
If you are interested in participating, contact Quirine Ketterings (qmk2@cornell.edu or 607-255-3061). You can also write to: Quirine Ketterings, Nutrient Management Spear Program, Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, 323 Morrison Hall, Ithaca NY 14853.
- Evaluate manure management options for corn and alfalfa/grass rotations for their impact on yield, forage quality, nutrient cycling, and soil health.
Funding Sources
These projects have been funded over the years by grants from the New York Farm Viability Institute (NYFVI), the Northern New York Agriculture Development Program, Federal Formula Funds, a USDA conservation innovation grant (4782-CU-USDA-2226), Atkinson Center for Sustainable Future at Cornell University, and a USDA–National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant (2013-68002-20525).
Additional Resources
- Manure Injection Voiced-over Powerpoint.
- Protocol Manure Application Method Comparions.
- Protocol Manure Application Rate Comparisons.
- Dairy and Cash Grain Farmer Perceptions of the Value of Manure (Survey Results).
- Survey postcard: Survey for Dairy Farmers.
- Survey postcard: Survey for Crop Farmers.
- Manure Injection Voiced-over Powerpoint.
- Subsurfer Dry Manure Injector (YouTube Video).
- Surface Application of Manure (Video).
- Aerator Incorporation of Manure (Video).
- Chisel Incorporation of Manure (Video).
- Injection of Manure (Video).
- Postcard: Save Money! No Needs to Sidedress First Year Corn.
- Calculator: ISNT and LOI Interpretations for Corn. (Excel)
- Stalk Nitrate Test Powerpoint Slides (pdf).
- Submission Form ISNT, CSNT, S-Test
Farmer Impact Stories
- Nutrient Boom Invention Could Optimize Manure Application Efficiency
- SUNY Morrisville Farm Manager Integrates Field Research with Crop Program
- Grass Injector Provides a Manure Management Option
- Manure Rate Research Partnership with NMSP Proves Valuable to Southview Farm
- Table Rock Farm Reaps Many Benefits Through On-Farm Research Partnership
- Northern New York Farms in Statewide Research Project (Gouverneur Times).
- Thankful for Manure: Nutrient Management Info Now Online (Gouverneur Times).
- Aeration work for no-till, rocky hill farm (New York Farm Viability Institute).
- New York Farms in Statewide Project (Gouverneur Times).
- Shallow Incorporation Shaves Costs (American Agriculturist).
- Musgrave Research Farm Key Site in Statewide Manure Incorporation Study.
- Western New York Farm Reaps Benefits of On-Farm Manure Incorporation Study.
- Timing is Right for Manure Incorporation Study at Mapleview Dairy LLC in St Lawrence County.
- Lewis County Farmer Participates in Statewide Manure Incorporation Project.
- St Lawrence County Farmer Sees Promising Results from Manure Incorporation Trials.
- Cayuga County Dairy Tests Alternative Manure Incorporation Methods in On-farm Research.
- Eastern New York Dairy Looks to Gain Economic Benefits from Manure Study.
- Diverse Team Researches Manure Incorporation on Cayuga County Farm.
- Miner Institute Participates in Statewide Manure Application Method Project.
- Central New York Dairy Farm Family Reaps Benefits of Manure Management Trials.
Fact Sheets
- Agronomy Factsheet 4: Nitrogen Credits from Manure
- Agronomy Factsheet 16: Application of Manure to Established Alfalfa
- Agronomy Factsheet 18: Manure Spreader Calibrations
- Agronomy Factsheet 21: Nitrogen Needs for First Year Corn.
- Agronomy Factsheet 28: Phosphorus Removal by Field Crops
- Agronomy Factsheet 30: Soybean Nitrogen Credits.
- Agronomy Factsheet 31: Late Season Stalk Nitrate Test.
- Agronomy Factsheet 35: Nitrogen Guidelines for Corn.
- Agronomy Factsheet 36: Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test for Corn.
- Agronomy Factsheet 38: Manure Sampling, Handling and Analysis
- Agronomy Factsheet 41: Organic Matter
- Agronomy Factsheet 42: Manure Use for Alfalfa-Grass Establishment
- Agronomy Factsheet 53: Manure Cost, Value and Time Management Calculator
- Agronomy Factsheet 61: Valuing Manure N, P, and K Applications
- Agronomy Factsheet 67: Can Manure Replace the Need for Starter N?
- Agronomy Factsheet 87: Liquid Manure Injection
- Agronomy Factsheet 91: The Carbon Cycle and Soil Organic Carbon
- Agronomy Factsheet 95: Improving Aggregate Stability
Extension Articles
- Sadeghpour, A., S. Hetrick, K.J. Czymmek, G.S. Godwin, Q.M. Ketterings. 2016. Managing soil test phosphorus in corn with manure and compost. What’s Cropping Up? 26(5): 86-87.
- Sadeghpour, A., S. Hetrick, K.J. Czymmek, G.S. Godwin, Q.M. Ketterings. 2016. Impact of manure and compost management on soil organic matter and nitrate dynamics. What’s Cropping Up? 26(5): 88-89.
- Sadeghpour, A., K.J. Czymmek, Q.M. Ketterings. 2016. Nitrous oxide emissions in corn are related to nitrogen inputs. DairyBusiness & HolsteinWorld. The Manager.
- Sadeghpour, A., K.J. Czymmek, Q.M. Ketterings. 2016. Value of manure lingers long after application. Eastern DairyBusiness. The Manager.
- Sadeghpour, A., K.J. Czymmek, Q.M. Ketterings. 2016. Sidedressing saved money and N in 2015. Eastern DairyBusiness. The Manager.
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G.S. Godwin, K.J. Czymmek. 2016. Nitrogen vs. phosphorus-based manure and compost management of corn. Crops and Soils Magazine. (Jan. to Feb.): 34-37.
- Place, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G. Godwin, P. Barney, J. Lawrence, B. Aldrich, T. Kilcer, K.J. Czymmek, and B. Gloy (2010). Shallow incorporation of manure minimizes soil disturbance and conserves nitrogen. What’s Cropping Up? 20(3): 3-5.
- Place, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G. Godwin, K. Czymmek, S.E. Bossard, P. Barney, J. Lawrence, B. Aldrich, T. Kilcer (2009). Comparing manure incorporation methods in reduced till systems. What’s Cropping Up? 19(2): 4-5.
- Lawrence, J. Q.M. Ketterings, S. Bossard, K. Czymmek (2007). Manure N conservation with chisel plow versus Aerway incorporation. What’s Cropping Up? 17(4): 1-3.
Journal Articles
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, F. Vermeylen, G.S. Godwin, and K.J. Czymmek (2017). Nitrous oxide emissions with nitrogen vs. phosphorus-based manure management of corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal (in press).
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G. Godwin, and K.J. Czymmek (2017). Shifting from N-based to P-based manure management maintains soil test phosphorus dynamics in a long-term corn and alfalfa rotation. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. doi: 10.1007/s13593-017-0416-z.
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G.S. Godwin, and K.J. Czymmek (2017). Under- or over-application of nitrogen impact corn yield, quality, soil, and environment. Agronomy Journal 109:1-11. doi: 10.2134/agronj2016.06.0355.
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, F. Vermeylen, G.S. Godwin, and K.J. Czymmek (2016). Soil properties under nitrogen- vs phosphorus-based manure and compost management of corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80:1272–1282. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.03.0086.
- Sadeghpour, A., Q.M. Ketterings, G. Godwin and K.J. Czymmek (2016). Nitrogen- vs phosphorus-based manure and compost management of corn. Agronomy Journal 108: 185-195. DOI:10.2134/agronj2015.0218.
- Ketterings, Q.M, G.S. Godwin, S.N. Swink, and K.J. Czymmek (2013). Can manure replace the need for starter nitrogen fertilizer? Agronomy Journal 105:1597–1605.
- Ketterings, Q.M., G. Godwin, P. Barney, J.R. Lawrence, B. Aldrich, T. Kilcer, K.J. Czymmek, and B. Gloy (2013). Shallow mixing of surface soil and liquid dairy manure conserves nitrogen while retaining surface residue. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 33: 507-517. DOI 10.1007/s13593-013-0141-1.
- Lawrence, J.R., Q.M. Ketterings, J.H. Cherney, S.E. Bossard, G.S. Godwin (2008). Tillage tools for manure incorporation and N conservation. Soil Science 173: 649-658.