The vision of the Cornell University's Nutrient Management Spear Program is to assess current knowledge, identify research and educational needs, conduct applied, field and laboratory-based research, facilitate technology and knowledge transfer, and aid in the on-farm implementation of beneficial strategies for field crop nutrient management, including timely application of organic and inorganic nutrient sources to improve profitability and competitiveness of New York State farms while protecting the environment. For more information about our program mission and focus areas see our NMSP Flyer and/or sign up for our newsletter The Spear.

- 3/11/2025: New Extension Publication: New York Dairies Show the Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
- 3/4/2025: New Extension Publication: Manure Continues to Offset Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs and Increase Corn Silage and Grain Yields: Value of Manure Project 2024 Update.
- 3/4/2025: New Journal of Dairy Science Article: Farm-Gate Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity for Medium to Large New York Dairy Farms.
- 3/3/2025: Updated Guidance Document: Nitrogen Guidelines for Field Crops in New York.
- 3/3/2025: Updated Guidance Document: Considerations for Manure Use for Soybean and Perennial Legume Production in New York.
- 3/3/2025: Updated Fact Sheets: Nitrogen Credits from Manure, and Liquid Manure Injection.
- 2/27/2025: Field Note: Erick Amaya: Building a Career in Sustainabale Soils from the Ground Up.
- 2/24/2025: Join our New On-Farm Research Project! Power of Manure Project. More Details: Power of Manure Project Protocol.
- 2/19/2025: New Extension Publication: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nutrient Use Efficiency Assessment of Six New York Organic Dairies.
- 2/19/2025: Field Note: A Budding Passion for Sustainable Agriculture: Meet Greivin Fernandez.
- 2/17/2025: New Extension Publication: Value of Manure Calculator Cell Phone App Available Now.
- 2/10/2025: News: Summer Farm Internships Offer Learning and Growth.
- 2/4/2025: Field Note: Between Fields: Skylar Cooper '26 Finds love of Large Animal Medicine in Ag.
- 1/30/2025: New and Updated Fact Sheets: Nutrient Mass Balance Software, Feasible Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balances, and Reading a Whole-Farm Nutrient Mass Balance Report.
- 1/27/2025: Field Note: Connecting the Corners of Ag: Meet Lily Blyn.
- 1/22/2025: Do You Know Your Farm's Footprint? Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance Assessment and Carbon Footprint. Over 100 Farms Participate Annually in the NMB Assessment. Now, Complete Additional Input Sheets for Your Farm Carbon Footprint Too! Fillable PDF Input Data Sheets, Excel Input Data Spreadsheet, Input Data Sheet Instructions for NMB, Dairy Footpriting Invitation.
- 1/16/2025: What's The Value of Your Farm's Manure? Join for Spring 2025. Invitation to Participate: Value of Manure Project. Learn About Details: Protocol. See: Value of Manure Project.
- 1/6/2025: Expanded Guidance Document: Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Field Crops in New York.
Featured Links
- New York On-Farm Research Partnership
- Cornell Nutrient Guidelines for CNMPs
- Agronomy Factsheets
- Impact Statements
- Nutrient Management Tutorials
- @CornellNMSP Twitter Account
- Sign Up for the NMSP Newsletter; the Spear
- Cornell Corn Soil Database (Excel).
Featured Articles/Updates
- NRCCA Basic Training Manual: Pest Management; Crop Management; Soil & Water Management; Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management.
- Software: Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance and New York Phosphorus Index 2.0.
- Webpage: Northeast Region Phosphorus Index and Spreadsheet Calculator.
- Articles: Northeast Dairy and the Circular Economy; Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Regulations and Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning in New York State; New York State, Regional and County Level Nitrogen and Phosphorus Balances for Harvested Cropland.
Upcoming Events
- 2025 NRCCA Annual Training and Cornell Field Crop Dealer Meeting. In Person and Virtual. December 9-10, 2025 (Full Days) at the Embassy Suites, Syracuse, and December 16-17, 2025 Virtual (Half Days).
- 2025 ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. November 9-12, 2025.
Photo Gallery
Jobs and Internships
- Advancing Dairy Sustainability through On-Farm Nutrient Management Research and Extension. CCE Internship.
- Precision Ag and Database Management.
- Precision Ag and Crop Yield Modeling.
NMSP Laboratory
- Submission Form CSNT.
- CSNT Sampling Instructions.
- NMSP Laboratory Manual.
- Address for Samples: NMSP Laboratory, c/o Quirine Ketterings or Sanjay Gami, 323/317 Morrison Hall, Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853.